If you didn't find any slots that work for you, then please submit your wait-list request using this link --> https://enjoythemountain.as.me/wait-list
Lake Arrowhead is fondly called "The Jewel of Southern California". Lake Arrowhead is a scenic mountain community surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest, that fills anyone's stay with a wide variety of year 'round activities which bring the best Mother Nature has to offer.
Does not expire. Any amount in multiples of $10. Can be used towards any adventure offered at each location. Can only be redeemed by making reservation online
There are plenty of things to do in Lake Arrowhead before or after your adventure with us, so make a full day out of it. We will be more than happy to provide you with recommendations, restaurants and other entertainment activities for the season. Enjoy the Mountain operates under special use permit from the San Bernardino National Forest
TO GET TO OUR LOCATION PLEASE USE THE LINKS WE PROVIDE IN OUR RESERVATION EMAILS AND REMEMBER THAT WE OPERATE ONLY BY APPOINTMENT SO PLEASE DO NOT GO TO ANY LOCATION WITHOUT A VALID RESERVATION SINCE YOU WILL FOR SURE NOT BE ABLE TO RIDE WITHOUT ONE. While most our customers take their own car to our location and park by our trailers, if you prefer to not drive on the dirt fire road then please just park legally at the bottom of the trail and walk up the 0.4 mile path to the location. If you prefer to take an UBER / LYFT to our location, just ask the driver to wait and take you back after the adventure
Operating under a special use permit from the San Bernardino National Forest.
Private Adventures just for your group - Maximum 4 ATVs per adventure. Minimum age to ride ATVs in this location is 14 years old.
Location (by appointment only so please do not go to any location without a valid reservation since you will for sure not be able to ride without one):
Pinnacles OHV Staging Area, Lake Arrowhead